CLIE UX50, TH55를 위한 Underclock
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CLIE UX50, TH55를 위한 Underclock


아시다시피 UX계열이 배터리타임이 짧습니다.
UX를 기본적인 PDA 기능으로만 사용할 때 유용하리라 생각됩니다.
설치해봐야지 해봐야지 하다가 오늘에서야...

* 말그대로 언더클락입니다. 오버클락과는 관계없답니다. ^^;

아래 내용은 클리에소스의 CliePet 회원님이 만드신 Underclock과 관계된 설명입니다.

Stupid CLIE tricks: Underclock your UX or TH!
Yes I said "Underclock"

Is your 122.88MHz CPU running too fast for you ?
You can use the Underclocker application to slow it down.

Limit the CPU to 96MHz, 64MHz or even 32MHz.

Download and transfer to your UX or TH CLIE:
Use at your own risk. Intended for experimentation.


The user interface is rather self explanatory.
Run UnderClocker and it will show your the current speed. You can change it to any of the speed limits. Auto appears to be the same as 123MHz.

NOTE: Some built-in applications restore the CPU speed to full (Auto)
For example: if you run slow down your CPU, then run AudioPlayer and then return to UnderClocker it will show you the speed is full again.
If you play music in the background with AudioPlayer, you can underclock the main CPU down to 32MHz and the music should still play.
(ie. run UnderClocker after AudioPlayer)

Other audio players will not clock that low. I have been able to play .OGG and .MP3 files (using AeroPlayer or pTunes) at 64MHz !
(if you set it down to 32MHz, it is too slow and the sound breaks up, and you will probably need to soft reset)

In theory should increase the battery life, but I haven't measured it. If interested please try it out and please report your results:
(ie. charge battery to full, play tunes using AeroPlayer or pTunes with hold switch on until the battery runs out. Then repeat with CPU limited to 64MHz and see if the battery lasts longer, and by how much)