클리에 기본 음악 재생프로그램인 Audio Player에서 플레이 리스트 관리를 도와주는 프로그램입니다. MSAUDIO또는 MP3LIST.M3U의 이름 또는 내용을 AlbumSwap을 통해 변경해주는 원리입니다.
간략한 사용법(제작자가 설명하는 Method2)
다음과 같이 아래의 경로에 원하는 분류의 폴더명을 만듭니다. \PALM\Programs\ALBUM_KPOP \PALM\Programs\ALBUM_JPOP
각 폴더에 해당 음악파일을 넣어두고 폴더명.M3U파일을 생성합니다. ALBUM_KPOP.M3U ALBUM_JPOP.M3U
M3U파일 내용은 각 행마다 해당 음악파일로 작성합니다. \PALM\Programs\ALBUM_KPOP 경로에 'love.mp3'파일이 존재한다면 ALBUM_KPOP.M3U의 내용은
위에서 생성한 폴더명이 MSAUDIO로 변경되므로 기존 MSAUDIO 폴더를 삭제 또는 폴더명 변경을 하세요.
AlbumSwap을 실행해서 KPOP또는 JPOP 플레이 리스트를 Swap하여 실행하시면 됩니다.
더 자세한 사용방법은 아래 more..을 클릭 후 참고하세요.
AlbumSwap (version 1.1) is a simple utility to swap albums (play lists) for AudioPlayer. It is designed for very fast switching and tries to do all the work for you (normally no extra steps required). It supports two different ways of organizing your albums (and a hybrid):
Method 1 - all MP3s in one folder (MSAUDIO) and multiple .M3U playlists
Method 2 - each MP3 collection in a separate folder (ALBUM_???) and an optional MP3LIST.M3U
Method 2+1 - a combination of Method 2 and Method 1
Method 2 is newer and recommended. Method 2 is much faster, especially if you have many songs on each storage card. NOTE: I will use the terms "album" and "play list" interchangably. Either is just a collection of MP3s that are normally played in order. NOTE: I will use the terms "folder" and "directory" interchangably.
works with NX and NZ AudioPlayer
works with TG50 AudioPlayer (method 2)
may work with other CLIE models (incl NR series, method 2)
displays list of available albums
supports two different ways of organizing you music (see below) as well as a special hybrid of the two
automatically re-mounts storage device (CF or MS) so you don't have to pull it out and re-insert it
will autolaunches AudioPlayer (so you don't have to) and in full screen mode
compatible with AudioPlayer in background play mode (background playing will stop after the swap)
compatible with most memory stick or compact flash variations (but only the first VFS volume where it finds .M3U files)
Unzip and install AlbumSwap.prc to you CLIE (usually with HotSync).
In AudioPlayer turn off "Reset PB mode by album change" and it will work automatically (not essential but it makes things much more convenient)
Media Preparation
For each storage card (MS or CF), you need to prepare your music. You should already be familiar with how to create compatible MP3 files (ie. no VBR files).
Method 2 - New and Recommended
Copy your MP3 files into separate folders on the storage card (MS or CF) How you organize your music collection is up to you.
These folders must be created in the "\PALM\Programs" parent folder
Each folder name must start with "ALBUM_" The part of the folder name after "ALBUM_" is up to you.
You do not need to create any .M3U files. The AudioPlayer will play the songs in the order you copy them to the storage card.
If there is a "\PALM\Programs\MSAUDIO" folder on the storage card, be sure to delete it before the first time you use AlbumSwap.
NOTE: the current album will be renamed to "MSAUDIO" when in use. Only delete the MSAUDIO folder during the initial setup. Sample:
\PALM\Programs\ALBUM_My First Collection\Song1.mp3
\PALM\Programs\ALBUM_My First Collection\Song2.mp3
\PALM\Programs\ALBUM_My Second Collection\Song3.mp3
\PALM\Programs\ALBUM_My Second Collection\Song4.mp3
Optional: if you want more control over the play order, you can create an MP3LIST.M3U file in the proper ALBUM_??? folder. That MP3LIST.M3U should only contain the file names of the MP3 files in that same ALBUM_??? folder. BTW: You can edit the MP3LIST.M3U file manually, or use the AudioPlayer playlist arranging feature.
Method 1 - older way
Copy all your MP3 files into one folder on the storage card (MS or CF)
This must be the standard audio folder:
Do not create an MP3LIST.M3U file
Instead, create several ????.M3U files in the same folder. Each one represents a playlist. These playlist files can be named anything, just be sure they end in .M3U (and are not called MP3LIST.M3U)
How you organize your music collection is up to you.
.M3U files are text files with the filenames of the .MP3 files (no folder part, just the file name with extension). You can edit them with any text editor.
Note the .mp3 song files must be in the same folder as the .M3U playlist file.
Method 2+1 - use both !
First organize your main music into separate folders as described in Method 2. Then on a case by case basis, you can create multiple playlists within each ALBUM_??? folder, as described in Method 1. The AlbumSwap program is smart enough to detect this case. When run it will let you pick from the playlists within the current ALBUM_??? folder. When you want to switch to a different ALBUM_??? folder, press the "Up" button (that will magically appear) and switch the folder/directory.
Run AlbumSwap (making it a quick-launch app is recommended). NOTE: will work even if AudioPlayer is playing in the background
Pick the album/playlist you want to hear.
Press the "Swap" button.
You should automatically go back to AudioPlayer
The first time you have to select the playlist manually. Press the sort option (top, 3rd button from right) and then press OK for the new playlist to take effect. If you didn't turn off "Reset PB mode by album change" you will have to do this all the time you swap albums. If you did turn it off, the new album list will select automatically after the first time. If you use the regular playlist editing features (that edits the current MP3LIST.M3U file), you may lose changes after the next swap. Changes will be wiped out when using Method 1 or Method 2+1. Changes will be saved when using Method 2.